Organizing Committee:
Conference Chairman:
Prof. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag
Prof. Akram Soliman Elselmy |
:Head of Organizing Committee.
:Dean, College of Engineering and Technology, AASTMT
Prof. Alaa Mahmoud Morsy |
: Dean of Port Training Institute, and Maritime Research & Consultation Center, AASTMT |
Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Ali |
: President Assistant for Technology Development, AASTMT. |
Dr. Mohey Eldeen Elsayeh |
: Dean, College of Maritime Transport & Technology, AASTMT |
Prof. Sara Elgazzar |
: Dean, College of International Transport & Logistics, AASTMT Alexandria. |
Prof. Khaled Elsakty |
: Dean, College of International Transport & Logistics, AASTMT, Cairo. |
Dr. Sandra Hadad |
: Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, College of International Transport & Logistics, ASSTMT. |
Technical Committee:
Head of Technical Committee:
Prof. Yousry El Gamal :Chairman of IT Committee, National Council of Education, Culture, and Science (UNESCO, ISESCO, ALECSO). Former Minister of Education, Former Head, board of Trustee, Egypt-Japan University, Egypt.
- Prof. Martin Renilson: President, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Australian Division, Australia.
- Prof. Bojan Rosi: Former Dean, Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
- Prof. Roberto Revetria: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Genoa, Italy.
- Prof. Changqian Guan: Head, Department of Marine Transportation, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, USA.
- Prof. Sam Yahalom: Professor, Department of International Trade and Transport, State University of New York Maritime College, USA.
- Prof. Qingcheng Zeng: Professor, School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University, China.
- Prof. Son Shan Nguyen: Department of Maritime and Logistics Management Australian Maritime College, National Centre for Ports and Shipping, University of Tasmania, Australia.
- Prof. Salman Nazir : Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG), Department of Maritime Operations, Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences, University of South-eastern Norway, Norway.
- Prof. Aristotelis Naniopoulos : Division of Transportation, Infrastructure and Regional Planning Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Prof. Ahmed Amin: Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Suez Canal University.
- Prof. Alaa A. Abdel Bary: Vice President for Graduate Studies & Scientific Research,AASTMT.
- Prof. Yasser Elsonbaty: Vice President for Information and Communication Technology, AASTMT.
- Prof. Ehab Mahmoud El Kassas: President Assistant for Research and Consultation, AASTMT
- Prof. Yasser Gaber Abdel Razek Desouki: Dean of Scientific Research and Head of the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Unit
- Prof. Islam El-Nakib: Dean, College of International Transport & Logistics, AASTMT, El Alamein.
- Dr. Mohammed Dauod: President consultant for Maritime Affairs, AASTMT.
- Dr. Elsenousy Balbaa: Vice President for Maritime Affairs, AASTMT.
- Capt. Mahmoud El-Bawab: Dean of Maritime Education and Training Quality.
- Prof. Alaa Eldin Ahmed Khalil: Vice Dean For Postgraduate and Scientific Research, College of Engineering and Technology, AASTMT.
- Dr. Hyundeok Kim: Dean, College of Future Convergence, Sunchon National University, South Korea.
- Dr. Babak Banijamali: Vice-Chairman of Maritime Navigation Commission (MarCom) World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure, PIANC
- Dr. Nikitas Nikitakos: Professor of Shipping Informatics and New Technologies,
Department of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean, Greece
Visiting professor, World Maritime University, Sweden.
- Dr. Gianfranco Fancello:Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Transportation sector, University of Cagliari. General Manager, Centre of Excellence for Transport of the Sardinia region, Italy.
- Dr. George K. Vaggelas: Department of Port Management and Shipping, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Dr. Patrizia Serra:Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture - Transportation sector, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Dr.Philippe Guillaumet: International and European Projects Manager, Port of Marseille, France.
- Eng. Francesc Carbonell: Head of Sector, Transport and Urban Development, Union for the Mediterranean.
- Mrs. Ana Rumbeu Daviu: Training Director, Valencia Port Foundation, Port Authority of Valencia, Spain.