The International Maritime Transport and Logistics Conference follows highest publication ethics standards ethics and takes all necessary procedures against any publication misconduct. The Conference organizing committee does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author duplicating a significant part of another’s work without acknowledging him/her or passing another’s work off as his/her own is not accepted and will not be published.
All authors submitting their papers to the International Maritime Transport and Logistics Conference for publication as original works confirm that the submitted research papers are their own contributions and have not been copied wither in whole or in part from other research paper or work.
Each submission is anonymously reviewed (double blind review) by an average of three reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of each accepted submission, the organizing committee guarantees that the entire peer review and publication process is thorough and objective.
Below is a brief summary of conference proceedings' organisation and management, general rules and regulations:
1. Marlog Conference Proceedings
2. Publication schedule
One issue is published every year following the Marlog conference.
3. Peer Review Process
Each submission is subject to double blind peer review by a minimum of three reviewers from the conference technical committee both at the abstract stage and the paper. The reviewers are assigned by the conference organizing committee, who handle the process throughout and led by the head of the conference organizing committee.
4. Copyright
At the point of submitting a research paper to the Marlog conference, authors agree to transfer copyright to it on acceptance of their final manuscript. The copyright statement is included in the conference website and speakers personal page. Copyright is not transferred and authors retain rights over the submission if the research papers were withdrawn at any stage until the proceedings are finalized.
For jointly authored Works, all joint authors should sign, or one of the authors should sign as authorized agent for the others.
All accepted manuscripts are published on the conference website with a permanent online open-access to them.
5. Authorship and Contributions
The general conference rules require that authors should only submit original work that has not appeared elsewhere for publication is not under review for another publication or conference.
The submitting author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all co-authors and any consent required from employers before submitting a research paper.
6. Anti-Plagiarism
Plagiarism includes data, text, figures and analysis methodology. Any submissions where plagiarism is suspected is declined immediately. Minor infringements are dealt with during the review and copy-editing stages.