Model | Area | EGP Price (Egyptians) |
US $ Price (Non-Egyptians) |
A | 6.25 m 2 | 10000 EGP | 2000 US$ |
B | 12.50 m2 | 20000 EGP | 3000 US$ |
C | 15.6o m2 | 22500 EGP | 3500 US$ |
D | 18.75 m2 | 25000 EGP | 4000 US$ |
E | 22.00 m2 | 30000 EGP | 4500 US$ |
F | 25.00 m2 | 40000 EGP | 5000 US$ |
Reserverd Booths |
Organization Name |
Location |
Mediterranean for ship repair and maintenance |
A1 |
Maritime Transport Data Bank |
A2 |
Integrated Solutions for Ports |
A3 |
Integrated Simulator Complex |
A4 |
A5 |
A6 |
A7 |
Port Said containers and Cargo handling |
B1 |
Alexandria containers and cargo handling |
B2 |
Damietta containers and cargo handling |
B3 |
Red Sea Marine Services |
B4 |
College of Engineering and Technology, AASTMT |
B5 |
B6 |
Misurat Free Zone |
B7 |
Canal company for ropes- Port Said Engineering works |
C1 |
Suez Canal Authority |
D1 |
Egypt Warehouses |
D2 |
D3 |
Canal Harbors and Great projects co. |
E1 |
Suez Shipyard-Timsah ship building |
E2 |
MEDports |
E3 |
F1 |
Petrojet |
F2 |
Abu Dhabi Ports |
F3 |
F4 |
F5 |
F6 |