- Smart Ports – Innovations, New Trends and Challenges.
- Information technology for Cloud Port and Cloud Logistics
- Digital Area for Strategies, Planning, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
- Smart Port Services and Operations
- IT Solutions for the Integration of Ports with the Hinterland
- Technologies for Sustainable Shipping
- Modeling & Optimization of Port Operations
- Smart Systems/Technology and Logistics
- Port Logistics and Supply Chain Integration as perceived through the Growth of the Internet
- Electronic Port, Single Window
- Eco Logistics Chain
- Marine Logistics Industry and International Trade
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Computational Logistics
- Smart Ports - Policy, Economic Development, Finance, Laws and Regulations.
- Sustainable Development of Marine Economy
- Port Resources and Port Economy Evaluation
- Marine Political Strategy Issues in Harbor
- Development of the Marine and Maritime Legislation
- Finance, Liability and Insurance Mechanisms
- Smart Environmental Management.
- Green Strategies for Sustainable Ports
- Container Terminal Environmental Management System
- Ship Waste Management at the Port
- Safety Culture and Environmental Stewardship
- Green logistics / Hinterland Connections
- Energy Efficiency and Ship-port Interface
- Renewable Energy Sources and Inter linking of Energy-Generating Plants
- Clean Air in Ports
- Smart Education and Training - licensing, certification, simulation
- licensing, certification, simulation
- Expanding and Sustaining Maritime Education
- The Human Element of the Sustainable Maritime Transportation System
- Smart Infrastructure
- Ports Role in a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System
- Land Restructuring
- Expansion of the Transport Route Network and Modern Communication
- Smart Port Maintenance
- Port Road Management