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Paper Submission

If you are interested in presenting a research paper at the Conference, you are mostly welcomed by the organizing committee. So, please follow the speaker's guidelines

1. How to Submit an Abstract? Download Abstract template

  • Abstracts have to be written within the conference topics in English or Arabic.
  • The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  • The abstract should demonstrate the paper objectives, results, and conclusion.
  • The abstract should include the authors contacts, biography and photo

2. How to Submit a Paper? Download Paper template

  • The submitted paper should be adhered to the Authors instructions:
    1. The paper should be typed on (A4) paper form.
    2. Margins settings: 4 cm left, 3.5 cm right and 3 cm on the upper & lower margins. Page numbering is according to the template
    3. The first page of the research paper should include: research paper title, author's name, position, address and email. (In case of co-authored papers authors are to be numbered on the 1st paper).
    4. The research paper should include the following; abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methodology, research body and conclusion
    5. Paper should not exceed 15-20 pages.
    6. The references are to be listed after the conclusion according to Harvard style.
      • The Submitted paper will be reviewed by the Conference Technical Committee and acceptance/rejection is based upon quality and relevance to the conference themes.
      • Authors will receive the referees' feedback, if revision is required, the revised papers should be re-submitted before 10th of February.
      • Registered authors of accepted papers should sign the copyright agreement.
      • Power Point Presentation is preferable to be sent by email or to be available on the speaker's session.

3. Important Remarks:

  • The complete full paper can be send to us by e-mail or on CD on the corresponding address of the contact committee.
  • Deadlines for all milestones are specified on the Important Dates.

4. How to send

  • After Submitting your abstract and full paper according to the conference, templates please send them to the conference email and within the due date.

Journal Submission

Delegates attending MARLOG 2011, will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for possible publication in the Maritime Scientific Research Journal, edited by the Maritime Research and Consultation Center (MRCC).

For any Queries please contact the conference contact committee

© Marlog 2011