The Conference Organizing Committee introduces 6 main themes. Under each theme lies number of topics so the presenter can chose one of the outlined topics or any other topic falling within the scope of the conference theme.
A. Port Development and Modernization
- Reform, Restructuring and Investment In Ports.
- Planning and Engineering.
- Simulation of Navigation in Channels and Waterways.
- Training and Human Resources Management.
- Recent Technology in Port Equipment.
B. Logistics Networks Management
- Global Logistic Services.
- Business Logistics and Port Integration.
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
- Multi-Modal Transport Role in Logistic Networks
C. Shipping
- Shipping and Port Policy.
- Recent Trends in Shipping Markets.
- Shipbuilding Technology.
- Risk Reduction and Management Systems.
- Health, Safety, Security and Environment
D. Coastal Zone Management
- Coastal Zone Planning.
- Coastal Morphology.
- Interaction between Ports and the Coast.
- Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.
E. Legislation Aspects of Ports and Logistics
- Port Systems and Legislations.
- Trade Facilitation Arrangements.
- Variations in Ports and Transport Regulations.
- Corporate Governance.
F. Information Technology Role in Ports and Logistics Management
- E-Logistics Centers.
- Port e-logistics Integration Management Systems.
- Role of e-work Environment in Logistics.
- Maritime Transport Data Bases and Intelligent.